Leading By Example To Be Intentional About Your Mind And Body

Three things that might best describe Tiago R. G. are mindful, people-oriented and non-violent. As he’s continued to expand his mind and the way he interacts with his environment, he’s also learned to make intentional choices that improve his body. This is his #Orig3nStory.

Thank you for sharing your experience with our Nutrition DNA Test. Before we chat about your results could you tell us a bit about yourself?

No problem. I’m currently living in San Francisco and have enjoyed being a Front-End Architect for the past 12 years. I’m also a conference speaker, article writer and an active member in the developer community where I evangelize good practices and positive collaboration through servant leadership.

It sounds like you’re really intentional with the way you interact with those around you. How do you keep that frame of mind?

I’m a regular yogi and meditator so I start every morning with 10 minutes of meditation. I also consistently volunteer with non-profits and other under-represented groups and that helps keep me grounded.

Those are certainly great things for the mind and soul. Do you consider yourself to be a healthy eater too?

Well I start every morning with some home-made kombucha but perhaps most important to me is that I’m an ethical vegan. One of my favorite quotes is “Be kind to every kind” and I have the tattoo to prove it! Ha ha! I deeply believe that we must have compassion and be nice and gentle to one another for all species (humans and animals). The interesting thing is that I’m also Brazilian so the combination with my vegan lifestyle is very unique.

So was this attention to your diet the thing that first interested you in genetic testing?

Actually, I had taken Orig3n’s Run DNA Explorer at the Bay To Breakers event that you sponsored. It was a great experience and my results showed that I’m gifted in training response and endurance. Before that I had taken a test from another company but was looking for more specific insights on my body’s response to my vegan diet. That’s why I decided to get the Nutrition kit as well.

That’s great. Have you changed anything in the meantime as a result of the first test results?

Definitely. I normally hate going to the gym but after getting my results I now take my training more seriously. I’m also making sure that I take advantage of my positive genetic attributes every week when I run and weight lift.

I shared my results with my wife and relatives, they were very pleased to know and gave me extra motivation to pursuit my training goals. I’m even enjoying working out by myself at home, which I never did before. I can now see myself running and training for as long as my knees last. Ha ha!

Overcoming challenges can definitely feel good, especially when you have the support of loved ones.

That’s true. I’m relatively moderate but I’ve definitely taken certain risks in the past like when I decided try a new life in America. I had to become fluent in a new language, study very hard, and find a good job but I feel like it has paid off in the end. Overall I would say that I mostly have my parents to thank for my success because I learned how to be a decent human being as a result of their hard work and patience.

Is there anything else you’re particularly proud of?

If I had to pick one thing it would be that I have started donating platelets and blood. This year I’ve done it five times and wish I would have started a long time ago to save more lives. I often wish that every living soul (human and animal) would have the opportunity to be safe, have food, and shelter.

Thanks for the enlightening interview Tiago and it was a pleasure to get to know you. We’ll be sure to follow up with you soon to see what additional changes you’ve made based on the results of your Nutrition DNA Test. Until then, where can our community find you?

That would be great and I’ll look forward to that. Most of my information and articles are on my website at https://tiagorg.com and I’m also on Instagram at @tiagoooromero.